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Cockatoo Island Marine Centre | Overnight Bookings
Cockatoo Island Marine Centre | Overnight Bookings
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Overnight Bookings

Please note:


  • Fees are payable for all berthing at Cockatoo Island.
  • Reservations are taken for overnight stays only. Stays of shorter duration are payable in 4 hour blocks and berths are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • No alcohol and no pets may be brought onto Cockatoo Island

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Contact Number (required)

    Boat Type

    Boat length (required)

    Arrival Date (required)

    Arrival Time (required)

    Duration of Stay (required)

    Are you interested in storing your boat at Cockatoo Island?


    I have read the Berthing T&Cs * YesNo

    Please contact us for more information